Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A buncha dang Martians

Have you got a bad case of Martians? Too bad! Suck it up, buttercup! They're here to stay!

 All characters depicted here in are imagined and intended to be over the age of eighteen.

A couple are new and a couple are re posts.


  1. Awright, them dang Martians kin have our wimmin, but by billy jingo they better not come here and steal our jobs!

  2. Hehehe! Could you imagine the drive up window with a Martian leering out at you from it?

  3. 18 Martian years is a longer time than 18 Earth years, Slid. Just sayin'.


  4. BTW, if you need it for anything you are officially approved to use the campus of Tyler Watlick Junior College, home of the Invisible Dirty Old Man...

  5. some of these look a lot like roue's monsters at large. did you use to work with him?

    i like his website, but he stopped posting new art a long time ago so i'm looking for more invisible sex and alien abduction and impregnation. especially if theres a lot of stripping and orgy and 18. theres a couple stories i want to see, but not sure if i want to comission. do you take requests?

  6. I've never worked with anyone in the erotic comics field, having recently fled the TV advertising scene. I don't know who Roue even is, as a matter of fact.

    Yes, I am taking commissions, but it could be a while before I can really get to anything you might give me. Why don't you send me your idea at the email below and we can at least start talking about it.

  7. And yes, requests are welcome.

  8. huh you must just have similar interests. i don't think roue ever drew anything himself. the stuff he posted look like from several different artists and the style of some of your sketches remind me of the older artwork on his website. that wasn't you?

    i'll e-mail my requests as soon as i can write them all down. i have a fetish for high school and college cheerleaders and girls dorms so it will be those themes with invisible sex and alien sex.

    for your blog, do you ever model girls after celebrities?

  9. I actually hate to do likenesses. I'm not that good at them and I am really only interested in my own characters for the most part. Likenesses in comics almost always look like crap to me. So I'd say no on the likeness thing. Toss me some suggestions and I'll see if I can do a couple of them when as sketches when I can find the time. Cheerleaders and dorms are just great as far as I'm concerned. I like the stripping in that artist's work too, btw. I'm really inspired to do some myself.

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