Friday, November 30, 2012

Thoughts on the middle passages.

Well, things aren't so bad here that  I'm gonna close the site because of dwindling memberships. But the memberships have lost about a third of where I started from. Since the month I opened it there has been no growth.

 I'm looking for an uptick in membership as a signal that things are more as they  should be on the site and then I'll move more aggressively toward advertising than I have. Sooner or later I'll get it right and I'll hang on until I do.

Obviously output hasn't been what I had hoped it would be. It's not awful, but not what I want either.

I should be participating on forums soon also. I would benefit from talking to others to learn more about the business and audience that's out there.

As to style and content...what I'm doing clearly isn't keeping most people going with me. Partly is that I've had to rely on commissioned stories that others have taken me in a direction that I wouldn't have gone in if left to my own druthers, no offense to my commissioners. But people are familiar with a certain tone and content from me that inevitably gets altered in the collaboration process.

As to style I feel some more excitement in the pictures and people is called for. I'm learning more about getting more out of a composition right now and things could stand some improvement in that direction.

The females need to be more in peril and dismayed and deserving of a little mistreatment, and maybe a bit less capable in some cases, though I wont abandon the capable woman angle altogether. I still want to do my share of Sector 13 style horror and adventure.

Also I think a more cartoony approach is called for in some stories especially in the ISM. Too realistic can be an issue in the wrong place I think. I'm thinking of Mitch Byrd and Art Adams as influences here, btw.

Oh, and also, draw bigger tits. I hear this a lot these days. I gotcha, though I'll depart from that from time to time. Flat chested girls ring my bell too, boy.

And output seems to matter a lot. I'll try to figure out how to do more while I work what's turned into my virtual 'day job' editing stories, and drawing Sector 13 over at Monsterbabes.

This is what I'm thinking. Chime in if you have any thoughts of your own to add.


  1. you can advertise ism in this yahoo group. its still active even if posts are infrequent.

  2. You need some exposure. Find places to express you art & link to your site. Again, you don't want to come off as spam, but it'll help if you can find a way.


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