Monday, May 28, 2012

Five new sketchbook pages on SSSC

In the members section. I'll be giving more to the free section eventually, but right now I'm beefing up this new part of my site. Here's a sample. Some water color and a pastel experiment I did years back...

No Moms' today. Booo me.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Some things are just too damn distracting

I tried to draw today's Moms' while watching Cloverfield for the first time.

Not. Possible.

Well, actually, it didn't matter. I seem to be catching everything that comes along lately and there was no way I was going to be able to finish it today the way I'm feeling. Drawing does require a certain amount of energy, and if you don't have it, you're wasting your time and energy.  I spent most of the day today asleep. But the page for Moms is half done. I will have it up on SSSC tomorrow. Even if I only work in bits and pieces throughout the day.


Friday, May 25, 2012

Moms page 10

Page 10 is in the members section of SSSC. How nuts is this crazy bitch?

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Moms' page 9 is up on SSCC

What's a girl gotta do, anyway? Go see! 

Some Sketchbook stuff

You gotcher aliens, robots, and ghosts! 

Talk about cumming your brains out! Ghost jizz must go through just anything! And nothing is better than a disembodied tit fuck!

Sector 13 Stowaway

The next Sector 13: Stowaway. Only at MonsterBabeCentral

Yes. It's dark. Oooo, Scary.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I'm a bit under the weather...

...and flat on my back. I seem to be catching everything that comes along lately. But I did manage to finish the next page of Moms' and will letter it in the morning and then post it with some more stuff from my sketchbook in the members section. I meant to have that page up last night but right now I'm  not working with any buffer and I had to sleep. No choice in the matter really. I also sent in another story to MBC today for the short stories section and tomorrow I'll post some samples from that and the next Sector 13. So do check back then.


Monday, May 21, 2012

MWV page 8

Is now in the members section of SSSC.


Thursday, May 17, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Page 6 of Moms' Weekend Visit is up

On SSSC. A pin up page. These single frame pages will be placed at the beginnings of new scenes throughout the story. I hadn't planned to do this when I started drawing this panel, the idea occurring to me as I was working on it, and I'd like the later ones to have more of a pin-up sensibility to them. My idea is to drop in pin-ups here and there into the story as I go along.  Still this one would be a good splash page for a scene in any case.
Another page tomorrow.


Moms' Confusion

Yes, animals, Moms' Weekend Visit really is an incest story. It's just that they start out swapping sons and then go after their own since that's what they really wanted anyway.

So hold on, it's to speak...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Today did not go as planned AT ALL! But they are, better late than never...I hope...pages 4 and 5 of Mom's Weekend Visit is now in the members section of SSSC. More tomorrow!

Monday, May 14, 2012


I spent the day doing advertising for my website and drawing the next few days of Moms'. I got so involved that the time got away from me. I won't have a post up tonight because there's no time left to do all the production involved in lettering and captioning and scanning and, and and, but will have today's post up in the late AM tomorrow along with tomorrow's post too. A double header! Kinda like in the Moms' story...


Saturday, May 12, 2012

A good night...

I'm piling my bones on the bed early tonight. Night off. More Moms on Monday. 'Moms on Monday'. Hmm, could be a title for another twisted, perverted, deviant story like we all love. Heh! 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Moms' Weekend Visit page three

Is in the members section of SSSC.

Examples of Simplified style

So someone emailed me and said, 'well how about showing what you mean by a simplified style?'
Good question.
A simplified style will vary somewhat according to mood and needs of the story. But here are some examples of what I'm talking about.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Page two of Moms'

Page two of Moms' is up in the members section of SSSC

Page three tomorrow.

Some misunderstandings

Some folks have expressed disappointment with the members section on my site and I'd like to clear up some things.

There will never be any stories I've done for Media Nine on SSSC. They own that work, I don't. I can use bits of my work for them for promotional purposes only. I can't sell any of these stories to anyone, not ever. Unless I buy them back at some future date.

Sector 13 was going to be cancelled at MBC and I mentioned in an earlier post that it would be appearing on SSSC. But they renewed the order for it and so I'm still doing a monthly installment for them. Once that stops there, as I'm sure it will, it will start up here. But not for some time. I didn't put out a correction mostly because at the time I didn't know anyone cared about it. It seems it has some fans who feel rather strongly about it and all I can say is thanks. I'll do my best to keep it going in the future.

Also, I'm going as fast as I can on updates. Until I can be self supporting on this site, it's not going to be coming in faster than it is. All I can ask is your patience. Remember: it's just me doing this.

Yours, Slid


According to Stat Counter, I've just crossed over 100,000 unique visitors in the last year and a quarter. Woo hoo! I'm either famous or forgettable, I don't know which. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Comments open

Comments are now open on this blog.
Trollishness will be deleted.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Working on Moms' story

I've gotten a spread of story types started and now will begin to finish what I have going. I plan on doing these stories one at a time, that is, I'll restart one and stick with it to the end. I want to have a battery of finished stuff on my site for people to enjoy as soon as I can manage.

Due to the popularity of the pencil story I started last week involving the incestuous meeting of two moms and their hunky sons, I'll be diving into that first. I have the next page completed and want to have a couple of days of buffer in front of me, so I'll start posting the pages day after tomorrow.

As I'm doing this, I'm also doing writing/editing for Monsterbabescentral and Catfight Central all week. Look for my name on many of Media Nine's stories, if you haven't noticed them already. These are stories usually produced by artists who's first language is not English. Many of them I merely correct a few words and maybe add a caption or two. Others I re-invent, re-name, re-write and basically make something more interesting out of it.  Still others I write in partnership with the comics creators, as I do with A.B. Lust. I do lettering, sound effects, balloons, the whole thing, depending on what's usable.

So there's a fair amount of juggling going on. So far so good. I'll be swapping banners with other sites soon. If you have a place for one of my banners, there's one you can grab at my links page at SSSC.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

My rock and a hard place

I'm in a place that I did expect I would end up in. I'm at my physical limit doing posts on my website and doing other jobs so I can make enough to pay my bills. I expect that if the rate of growth continues as it is that I'll be modestly self supporting off the website in about a year. Right now there is no way to live on what I'm making on the website at the present time. But I feel that I need to do more pages than I am both for the website and for my other work.
One answer to this problem is to get faster. The way I could do that is to work in a much much simpler style than I am, that would appear to be cartoonish relative to what I do right now. Or I could just do less updates for the website until I get things rolling. But if I do less, I'm sure I could count on the site to taking even longer to get to the place where I can live off it exclusively.
Frankly, I'm going to make my own decision about this, but I am interested to know what you would want to see or at least what you would put up with while I get rolling. I will weigh the response I get in my decision, likely pretty  heavily. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Code page 5

Here is a sample from The Code, page 5.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Code page 4

Page 4 of the Code is now in the members' section. 

Page five I have done in tight pencils that I meant to use as my digital ink, but I at long last have decided that I don't like the look of pencils for this way of working as much as just nicely inked work. So I'll be off tomorrow and will be inking  page 5 before I continue with the story. It may be Friday before I post again, but I'll have two 
pages ready for you to look when I do.